Tjortjis, DEng, BSc, MPhil, PhD
Book editor on Graph Databases and their use in social media and smart cities
Paper in Information Systems
Paper in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Paper in Healthcare
Paper in Applied Sciences
Papers in Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
Paper in Smart Cities
Paper in Knowledge and Information Systems
Papers in Int’l Journal of Data Science and Analytics
Paper in Data
Paper in Future Internet
Paper in Computation
Paper in Electronics
Work experience
Christos is Professor in Knowledge Discovery and Software Engineering systems at the International Hellenic University, School of Science & Technology. He was Chair of the Department of Science and Technology and Dean of the School of Science and Technology, International Hellenic University (2021-23) and Vice Dean (2020-21). He is Director for the MSc in Smart Cities and Communities. Formerly he was an adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Ioannina, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, an adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Western Macedonia, Dept. Engineering Informatics and Telecommunications, a tenured Lecturer at the University of Manchester, Schools of Computer Science and Informatics, as well as UMIST, Department of Computation.
He holds a DEng(Hons) in Computer Engineering and Informatics (5 year studies) from the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics at the University of Patras, and a BSc(Hons) in Law (4 year studies) from the Department of Law at the Democritus University of Thrace, in Greece. He also holds an MPhil in Computation from UMIST and a PhD in Informatics from the University of Manchester, U.K.
His focal research area is data science, data mining, decision support, software engineering and smart cities, and his aim is to advance the use of data mining in domains such as medicine, social media, energy and novel types of heterogeneous data. His research interests are in the areas of data mining and analytics, and software management, where he has published widely. His research objectives include bridging the gap between theories and applications of data mining, as well as establishing novel ways of retrieving information from data, text, social media and source code.
He published over 55 papers in international refereed journals and over 70 international refereed conferences, focusing on data mining algorithms, such as clustering, classification and association rules, and data mining applications in domains, such as software engineering, medicine, biology, sports analytics, social media, energy and smart cities. His work has been published in journals including IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Int’l Journal of Neural Systems, WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Smart Cities, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Information Systems, Methods of Information in Medicine, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Software Quality Journal, Information Systems Frontiers, Energies, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Computing, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Int'l Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Applied Artificial Intelligence, and international referred conferences such as PVLDB, IEEE ICTAI, IEEE COMPSAC, IEEE WETICE, IEEE SMC, KSEM, IEEE ITAB, IEEE APSEC, IEEE IWPC, CSMR and IDEAL. A list of publications can be found here.
Christos led a number of research projects on software quality assurance using data mining, as well as on strategic maintenance and evolution of software. He was also involved as a principal investigator or co-investigator in a number of software and knowledge management projects. A list of research projects he has been involved with can be found here.
Christos served as PC member in over 130 international conferences.
Christos supervises 7 PhD, and 5 MSc students.